Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When will i get over my ex girlfriend?

I could go on for hours telling of all the cruel, humiliating, hurtful, and unforgettable thing she has done to me. Please give me the best advice possible because i am tired of feeling this pain for over eight months now and i want it gone. Ill try to tell the story without to much detail. She was my first EVERYTHING. Never had a girlfriend before her. We fell in love. She made promises. We planned our lives together. Our relationship was an amazing thing for the year and a half that we were together. Her and i were best friends which made it even more special. The last month of our relationship was stressful because of work and school. we didnt spend much time with each other. But i promised that things would get better. One day we got into an argument. And she decided to end our relationship. I knew this girl like the back of my hand. I knew that if i would leave her alone she would eventually come back to talk and fix it. I went a few days without talking to her and i got worried. So i confronted her. She says she just needs more time. I give it to her. After two weeks i go into the freak out stage. I begged DID EVERYTHING i could too get her back. It didnt work. She needed more time. Two months come along. I would lay in bed crying over it each night but knowing in my mind that it couldnt just be over like that. I got a text message from a friend saying';so how do u feel about your ex's new boyfriend?'; During this time of leaving her alone i had a gut feeling that something was going on. But i chose to ignore it because i thought she was better. as a matter a fact i would ask her if she was talking to anyone else and she would get upset and defensive. I went to her house at two in the morning and asked to talk to her and she said okay. ';what r u hiding from me?'; i said. I had to pull it all out of her but to make a long story short she had another guy the whole time. It was a buddy of mine. My girlfriend was good friends with him. They started ';hanging out'; and the day we broke up she banged him and started dating him. So it should be easy to blow her off right? no the story continues... i blocked her out of my life NO CONTACT. For about a month. I started doing better! just living life. I guess she saw this and she started calling. little by little. more and more every night. things seemed to get normal. then when i would ask about our relationship she would reject me. she would make me remember good times and bring me to tears. crying to her again. begging. this happened about six different times. And after being rejected i would always say ';ok, its over, i need to move on'; but she would always find a way to bring me back to that point. But i did eventually stop .it stopped when i ended up fighting her boyfriend at a soccer game. She had told me that day that she wanted to talk about ';us'; but she would do it after she was done with her soccer game.. i showed up that night waiting for her and there was her boyfriend. there they were holding hands and kissing. i walked up and punched him and it was a fight. i won;) that night was when i received closure.. she told me that she no longer wanted to talk and that she never wanted to see me again. she told me that she was never planning on getting back together. that she didnt mean to give the wrong impression. then she told me that she was in love with him. Thats when i was officially done..she said the most hurtful things. I tried to date other girls at school. But it seemed as if i were off limits because i was her boyfriend.(she was a popular girl) she would make comments to her friends about me when i would walk into class thinking that i didnt hear. example: ';wow he looks so good today'; ';im so stupid for leaving him';. she would talk about our sexual past with her friends. but she sad good things! u kinda get what she was doing?

i do not. The whole time i have not been with her i have had this empty lonely feeling. i dont feel like myself. and memories of her make a hole in my stomach and a knife in my heart. I finally decided to move far away. to Missouri. Word spread out the last month. Everyone said they would miss me blah blah. But she didnt talk to me. It was my last day. i was spending it at a friends house. then i got a phone call from her, she said that she had something for me and she wanted to hang out so i accepted. she picked me up and we went to an old hangout spot of ours. she made a cd of our favorite songs. and with her she had a folder of all the love letters and cute things/pictures that we had. she gave me a letter and told me to read it alone. She had to go to work, she said shed call that night. I read the letter. and it was filled with the most beautiful heartwarming and amazing things. She wrote that she had been thinking and that shes going to miss me so much ';it feels like my other half is leaving';'; im so sorry'; ';now i wish that things would work'; she said everything that i wanted to hear.';i will always love you and weWhen will i get over my ex girlfriend?
Here are some tips to help you forget about your ex:

1. Don't think about them. If you catch yourself getting nostalgic or reflecting on painful feelings, try to change your train of thought.

2. Don't talk about them. Avoid participating in conversations about the person. Ask loved ones to refrain from talking about the person in your presence.

3. Don't say their name. Refer to them as something more general like that ';boy'; or ';girl';.

4. Collect anything and everything that reminds you of them and seal it away in a box. Don't let these things be painful reminders of the relationship.

5. Don't talk to them. Don't call, email, text, send letters, or contact them in any way.

Check the source below for more tips!

How to Make an Ex NonexistentWhen will i get over my ex girlfriend?
When you find the girl that makes you forget about your ex. I broke up with my ex boyfriend a year ago when I went away to college. Things were not going well and the spark was gone. I deleted from facebook, my phone (even though I memorized his number) and everything. It was going good til I found out he had a girlfriend. I wanted him back because hey, you ALWAYS want what you can't have. Well long story short, I found this guy who made me forget about my ex. We're not dating anymore but he helped me realized what kind of guy I wanted in a relationship. This girl is catty and immature. She is playing games with your heart and you deserve better. You'll find her soon. Justr remember, don't find love, let love find you =] Good luck!

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